A Statement for Families of the 49th District

My opponent is out of touch with the concerns and needs of families in the 49th District. She proved this when she expressed unequivocal support for arming teachers in not one but two public forums. She has shown it again with her callous disregard for the hard work of stay at home parents: openly belittling the personal family choice made by me and many other folks to hit pause on career goals. Having struggled with this decision myself, I cannot imagine questioning any career or household decisions made by Illinois families. My opponent has characterized the years I spent working inside the home and volunteering in the community as “unemployment” with no value for representing the people of the 49th District. 

The variety of choices made by parents and caregivers every single day in the best interest of the physical, emotional, and fiscal health of their families is not something to be judged or criticized. Instead, we must support and respect families, and understand that there is not a one-size-fits-all model for parenthood and caregiving.

My opponent, weighed down by her judgmental and critical contempt for choices that differ from her own, fails to appreciate the diverse needs of Illinois families. As your representative, it will be my goal to support and maintain high quality, affordable childcare, healthcare, and education services that will help all families thrive. I ask for your vote and to join me as we work towards an Illinois that works for all.