Why I'm Running

Like many of you I am increasingly disillusioned by the polarizing partisanship and negativity that dominates politics at both the state and federal level. This ugliness is not reflected in the community of the 49th district. We live in a community of meal trains for ailing neighbors and new parents; we shovel each other’s sidewalks in grueling winter months, and organize carpools for each other during busy school days. In this district we look out for one another, and treat each other with compassion and respect. These are the values I will bring with me to Springfield and that will guide me as I build relationships with colleagues across the aisle. I will strive everyday to make life in the 49th district healthier, more manageable, and better for everyone.

My passion for advocacy and activism has led me to this moment. I will work hard for the diverse and beautiful community of the 49th district by listening to the concerns and needs of my prospective constituents. I will lead with empathy and act with conviction. The road to Springfield begins with you! Expect a knock on your door from me as I get to know the people of the 49th. If you see me in your neighborhood, flag me down for a chat. This journey is about you and our community; I am committed to bringing your voice to Springfield!

CampaignKat Maggio